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GTMS School Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Every Day Counts!
 It is very important that students and parents understand Isle of Wight County Schools' attendance policy. Regardless of the grade earned, students who do not meet attendance requirements in each class face the possibility of not being promoted to the next grade level, and in high school, losing class credit, exam exemption status, or even not graduating on time.


Not only is attendance required by Virginia state law, regular and prompt attendance boosts academic success and prepares students for future employment.

Research shows that a student must work twice as hard when they return to school to catch up on missed assignments and homework. A student who is 10 minutes late everyday misses 30 hours of instruction during the year.


IWCS Attendance Policy 

Some reasons for excused absences are:

  • Illness supported by a doctor’s certificate or note
  • Notes from parents must be approved by the principal
  • Court appearances supported by copy of court order
  • Severe illness or death in the immediate family
  • Observances of recognized religious holidays
  • Field trips and school-related activities
  • Contagious disease
  • Extremely inclement weather
  • Absences due to extenuating circumstances approved by the principal