Eighth Grade Supply List
School Year: 2023-2024
Grades: 8th Grade
Classes: All Eighth Grade Teachers
11" 3-Ring Binderfor civics
11" 3-Ring Binderfor science
12" 3-Ring Binderfor math & English
25 Tab Page Dividers
1Box(es) of #2 Pencils
1Colored Pencils, Box(es)or Markers
1Composition Notebook Wide RuledFor Math
1EXPO® Dry Erase Markers
1Earbuds(These are used DAILY)
1Glue Sticks
1Package(s) of Loose Leaf/Filler Paper, Wide Rulednotebook paper
1Pencil Bag/Pouch
2Pocket Folders, with 3 Holes2-pocket, to go in binder
1Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, 70 SheetsFor English
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