Laptop Distribution Schedule by Grade Level

GTMS Laptop Distribution Schedule & Information


The schedule for the GTMS Laptop Distribution is below. The schedule is organized by GRADE LEVEL with designated times by the first letter of the students' last names. Laptops will be available for pick-up in the GTMS library. *If you have a household with students in multiple grade levels, you can select the day that works best for you to pick up all of the students' laptops at once. Each student must submit a completed IWCS Device Usage Agreement Form linked here, which requires the signature of a parent, when picking up the device. The form is attached so families can fill out the form in advance. Printed copies will be available in the front office and in the library if you do not have printer access. Only parents and students will be able to pick up their own devices. Friends or extended family members cannot pick up devices for others. If a student cannot come during these scheduled times, they will be given their laptop during the first week of school.

Laptops will NOT be distributed during open house Tuesday, August 27.









August 26th


8th Grade

9:00am-12:00pm: Last Names A-M


1:00pm-3:30pm: Last Names N-Z


August 28th


7th Grade

9:00am-12:00pm: Last Names A-M


1:00pm-3:30pm: Last Names N-Z


August 29th


6th Grade

9:00am-12:00pm: Last Names A-M


1:00pm-3:30pm: Last Names N-Z


Laptop Insurance Options

There are 2 types of laptop insurance options 1) AGiRepair for only 7th & 8th grade students and 2) Worth Ave. Group for 6th, 7th & 8th grade students:

1) 7th & 8th Grade Only: Parents may purchase AGiRepair insurance for $59 by the Friday, September 20 deadline from the GTMS Online Store:
2) 6th, 7th & 8th Grade: Parents may purchase Worth Ave. Group full coverage insurance, which includes theft of a device and damage from a power surge by lightning, on their own (do not send payment for Worth Ave. Group to GTMS):